Fall Break - 3rd Quarter
September 29, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Fall Break - 3rd Quarter

Fall Break - 3rd Quarter
Newsletter Updates So here we are three-quarters of the way through 2020. 39 weeks down, 13 to go. This week’s share is my 3rd quarter update pause. This 2020 newsletter project, while challenging, has been a resounding success from my perspective. I’ve added quite a few new followers. I’ve…
Finding Common Ground
September 22, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Finding Common Ground

Good Communication | Improving Communication | Relationships
Finding Common Ground
What is common ground when it comes to communicating? It seems to me that common ground is as much an act of “seeking” as it is an established thing two people or parties might possess. It also seems to me that common ground is fairly essential to good communication, but that’s debatable…
The Depths of Richness
September 15, 2020  |  David R. Novak

The Depths of Richness

Concept of Com | Technology
The Depths of Richness
Every communication interaction has many layers of richness and depth. When it comes to meaning, there’s essentially always more of it. It never stops. If you look for meaning, you’ll find it. No instance of communication has just one meaning, there’s always many meanings. And meanings…
Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes
September 8, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes

Concept of Com | Good Communication
Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes
Communication is a process. This process, at any given point in time, has one interaction point populated by two (or more) people. I’m talking at a microscopically individual level, but when you consider everyone, at larger scales, communication is everywhere. We’re all communicating…
Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems
September 1, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems

Good Communication | Improving Communication | Process
Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems
I believe in the possibility of communication. But communication can’t solve all of your problems. You don’t have to look far online to find someone saying “Communication is key” “you need to communicate” or some other trite advice to fix the problems ailing you.…