September 29, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Fall Break - 3rd Quarter

Fall Break - 3rd Quarter

Newsletter Updates

So here we are three-quarters of the way through 2020. 39 weeks down, 13 to go. This week’s share is my 3rd quarter update pause.

This 2020 newsletter project, while challenging, has been a resounding success from my perspective. I’ve added quite a few new followers. I’ve gotten to share these demo tape articles and work on my writing process. I’ve pulled back some on the DIY promotion efforts because you know, I have a regular job, I’m a dad, living through a pandemic, et cetera. Despite my quite modest audience and satisfactory open rates, I’m very happy with the feedback I’ve been getting. Doing this 52-week experiment has only solidified my fortitude and developed my confidence in being able to package these ideas in book form.

There are 13 weeks, and thus 13 articles left this year and after that, you should prepare for an extended, indefinite hiatus from this newsletter. Starting January 2021, I’ll be putting the newsletter to sleep for a while to turn my attention fully to book drafting. I will resurrect this newsletter channel at some point with an update or announcement as it may warrant. You can expect to hear from me again, but not for a while.

New year means new attention to my book draft and will encompass the entirety of my writing goal for 2021. It is my aim and hope to have a sellable draft before the end of 2021. An ambitious, but achievable (I hope) goal.

So, you’ll get the 2020 newsletter signoff in 13 weeks. Until then I’m also giving a heads up that I may let things get a little weird around here. Well, weirder than normal that is. I’ve got some writing about useful topics coming too such as apologizing, emotions and communication, and more. But I’ve also saved up a couple of weird ideas over the years that maybe I’ll try out. You can’t help but think about communication as much as I have over the years without having drummed up a few strange ideas. Maybe I’ll share one or two. Stay tuned.

I hope you’re enjoying the articles and getting something out of them. I’ve enjoyed writing them. I’m looking forward to getting them in a form where they can be dispersed more easily aka a book. Books go further than a DIY newsletter.

Maybe if you’ve been paying attention, you can start to see what the book structure might look like? It will be different than what I've shared here, but these seeds of ideas will grow and transform into something I'm really excited about. And I was pretty excited to tackle this newsletter challenge!

As always, I’m open to feedback, commentary, or questions. For any of you that have written, commented, shared, discussed, or asked a question, thanks, it’s helped my process.
