Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems
September 1, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems

Good Communication | Improving Communication | Process
Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems
I believe in the possibility of communication. But communication can’t solve all of your problems. You don’t have to look far online to find someone saying “Communication is key” “you need to communicate” or some other trite advice to fix the problems ailing you.…
Conversation & Communication
July 28, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Conversation & Communication

Concept of Com | Process | Relationships
Conversation & Communication
Every conversation is communication. It’s also beneficial to think of communication as a conversation. Why? Because relationships, which grow from communication, are really just collections of conversations. Conversation and its importance to communication is an idea needs to be grasped in at…
On Communication and Transparency
May 5, 2020  |  David R. Novak

On Communication and Transparency

Concept of Com | Clarity | Process
On Communication and Transparency
Transparency is a god-term. People want it. Calls for it are everywhere. “I’m aiming to be transparent here,” you might hear in everyday conversation. Transparency is supposedly one of the great communication achievements. Or so we tell ourselves. People widely accept the idea that…
The Process of Communication
April 7, 2020  |  David R. Novak

The Process of Communication

The Process of Communication
We are constantly communicating. Every time you have a conversation, you are communicating. If you text, you’re communicating. Sent an email? Communication. Watched an advertisement or a movie? You’re communicating. That last ones a different type, often called parasocial communication,…