There Is No S In Communication
February 25, 2020  |  David R. Novak

There Is No S In Communication

Communication | Concept of Com
There Is No S In Communication
It used to bother me when students of mine would say they studied “communications” when they were studying communication. That term — “communications” — invoked feelings similar to that of nails scratching on the chalkboard. After escaping academia, I still hear and…
Communicating Is Your Relationship
February 18, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communicating Is Your Relationship

Relationships | Concept of Com | Ontology
Communicating Is Your Relationship
To anyone who works with code, “==” means “equivalent to.” When coding, programmers can use “==” to make one thing the same as another. communication == relationships Communication and relationships are essentially the same thing. How you communicate with someone…
The False God of Clear Communication
February 11, 2020  |  David R. Novak

The False God of Clear Communication

Clarity | Concept of Com
The False God of Clear Communication
People are obsessed with the idea of clear communication. We are told that if you can’t communicate clearly, you’ve failed. People’s obsession with communication clarity can be downright pathological. Maybe you have heard your boss or colleague or spouse say: “I couldn’t…
Listening For Better Communication
February 4, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Listening For Better Communication

Listening | Skills | Improving Communication
Listening For Better Communication
Communication begins with the ears. Listening is perhaps the most pervasive activity of everyday life. Research shows we spend nearly half our day engaged in listening-related activities: having conversations, attending meetings or classes, consuming media, and listening to music.  Listening…