Friends, subscribers, fellow humans, We’ve reached a pause. One year. What a year. I came up with this idea for sharing weekly content in late summer/early fall of 2019. I didn’t see anyone talking about communication as I was envisioning and I was looking for an outlet. I wanted to write…
Good Communication | Improving Communication | Relationships
What is common ground when it comes to communicating? It seems to me that common ground is as much an act of “seeking” as it is an established thing two people or parties might possess. It also seems to me that common ground is fairly essential to good communication, but that’s debatable…
Good Communication | Improving Communication | Process
I believe in the possibility of communication. But communication can’t solve all of your problems. You don’t have to look far online to find someone saying “Communication is key” “you need to communicate” or some other trite advice to fix the problems ailing you.…
Anxiety. Nervousness. That dread that pops up during, or in anticipation of, a communication interaction. Let me be clear that communication certainly isn’t the only thing that stimulates anxiety. Anxiety has biological, neurological, psychological, and even philosophical explanations and causes.…
Skills | Good Communication | Improving Communication
Critical thinking and communication are closely related. If you aren’t able to think critically about problems, information, and obstacles as they relate to your relationships, the media you consume, and the conversations you have, you are set up to fail. If you can’t think critically, communication…
Skills | Good Communication | Improving Communication
Giving feedback is communication we think of as communication. That is, while every conversation is communication, giving someone feedback — it could be on anything: something at work, life advice, or just a normal part of everyday interaction (“Hey, what did you think of my chili?”…
Communication begins with the ears. Listening is perhaps the most pervasive activity of everyday life. Research shows we spend nearly half our day engaged in listening-related activities: having conversations, attending meetings or classes, consuming media, and listening to music. Listening…
Everyone wants to communicate better. But how? Where to start? Communication is weird. It can be wild. It’s difficult to do well, and is often harder than you think. I’ve talked about what “good” communication is. The ideal of good communication is something to strive for, but…