Communicating Emotions
October 20, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communicating Emotions

Communication | Good Communication | Emotions
Communicating Emotions
Artwork: Hope II by Heather C. Sweeney. Emotions are important to communication. But where to start? There’s about a million possible directions, mountains of research from many fields, hundreds of books (some of them even good!), and tons of advice out there about communication and emotion…
Apologizing & Communicating Forgiveness
October 6, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Apologizing & Communicating Forgiveness

Good Communication | Relationships
Apologizing & Communicating Forgiveness
A true measure of person is whether they can apologize or not. If someone genuinely has wronged you — or acted like an asshole — and they can’t or don’t apologize, beware. It’s a giant, swaying red flag. Everyone has to apologize from time to time. (Or likely should apologize,…
Finding Common Ground
September 22, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Finding Common Ground

Good Communication | Improving Communication | Relationships
Finding Common Ground
What is common ground when it comes to communicating? It seems to me that common ground is as much an act of “seeking” as it is an established thing two people or parties might possess. It also seems to me that common ground is fairly essential to good communication, but that’s debatable…
Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes
September 8, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes

Concept of Com | Good Communication
Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes
Communication is a process. This process, at any given point in time, has one interaction point populated by two (or more) people. I’m talking at a microscopically individual level, but when you consider everyone, at larger scales, communication is everywhere. We’re all communicating…
Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems
September 1, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems

Good Communication | Improving Communication | Process
Communicating Can’t Fix All Your Problems
I believe in the possibility of communication. But communication can’t solve all of your problems. You don’t have to look far online to find someone saying “Communication is key” “you need to communicate” or some other trite advice to fix the problems ailing you.…
Communication Paradoxes
August 4, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communication Paradoxes

Concept of Com | Good Communication | Ontology
Communication Paradoxes
Communication is full of paradoxes. Two opposites, somehow connected to form a larger whole. Paradoxes, you know. “You gotta be cruel to be kind” as Nick Lowe teaches us, or the Ship of Theseus, or the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Paradoxes, two things that despite their apparent oppositeness…
Knowing Your Audience
July 21, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Knowing Your Audience

Communication | Good Communication | Relationships
Knowing Your Audience
One of things that many people fail to realize about communication is that it’s not just about you. It’s not just about you getting your message across. It’s about the other person too. They get a say. They are part of the process. If you want to communicate well, you have…
Communicating About Communication
June 23, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communicating About Communication

Skills | Good Communication
Communicating About Communication
A unique challenge of communication is that you have to communicate about communication to get better at communication. Think about that for a second. It’s communication all the way down. Inescapable. Communication is a process that’s ongoing, everywhere, all around us. It’s not a…
Critical Thinking & Communication
June 16, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Critical Thinking & Communication

Skills | Good Communication | Improving Communication
Critical Thinking & Communication
Critical thinking and communication are closely related. If you aren’t able to think critically about problems, information, and obstacles as they relate to your relationships, the media you consume, and the conversations you have, you are set up to fail. If you can’t think critically, communication…
The Nature of Feedback
June 9, 2020  |  David R. Novak

The Nature of Feedback

Skills | Good Communication | Improving Communication
The Nature of Feedback
Giving feedback is communication we think of as communication. That is, while every conversation is communication, giving someone feedback — it could be on anything: something at work, life advice, or just a normal part of everyday interaction (“Hey, what did you think of my chili?”…
Asking Better Questions
April 14, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Asking Better Questions

Skills | Listening | Good Communication
Asking Better Questions
Being able to ask good questions is essential to being a good communicator. Why is asking good questions important? Hey, good question! And how can we ask good questions? Look at that, another one! How are question-asking and listening related? What’s important to keep in mind when we want to…
Self-Assessing Communication
March 24, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Self-Assessing Communication

Skills | Good Communication | Relationships
Self-Assessing Communication
Communication always involves other people, but making communication better begins with you. Self-assessment is essential to improving your communication. If you can self-assess better, you’ll more easily adapt to the situations you find yourself in. Self-assessment, when it comes to communication,…
Searching For
January 21, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Searching For "Good" Communication

Big Picture | Communication | Good Communication | Relationships
Searching For
People want good communication. Things are better when communication is good. There are lots of ways to improve communication. But first, we have to consider what “good communication” is: “How do we get to good communication?” is one question. “What is good communication?”…