Oh Dear Ms. Communication
November 24, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Oh Dear Ms. Communication

Concept of Com
Oh Dear Ms. Communication
Miscommunication doesn’t really exist. “What?!! Miscommunication doesn’t exist?! It’s everywhere!” you might be saying to yourself. Stick with me for a minute. Miscommunication is little more than a figment of your imagination — an organization of your perceptions…
The Messiness of Interpretation
November 17, 2020  |  David R. Novak

The Messiness of Interpretation

Concept of Com | Language | Ontology
The Messiness of Interpretation
One of the worst things you can do with respect to communication is to think about it as nice, neat, simple, straightforward. I know it’s tempting. I know it’s easy, But communication simply is not like this. That communication is linear, direct, and easily moves from A to B, let alone that…
Awareness Sucks, Long Live Awareness
November 3, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Awareness Sucks, Long Live Awareness

Concept of Com
Awareness Sucks, Long Live Awareness
People talk a lot about using communication to make people aware of things. “We communicated it to them.” Awareness. What is being aware, really though? It seems to me that awareness is a recognition of some amount of information having moved from a source to receiver. Hopelessly generic.…
The Depths of Richness
September 15, 2020  |  David R. Novak

The Depths of Richness

Concept of Com | Technology
The Depths of Richness
Every communication interaction has many layers of richness and depth. When it comes to meaning, there’s essentially always more of it. It never stops. If you look for meaning, you’ll find it. No instance of communication has just one meaning, there’s always many meanings. And meanings…
Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes
September 8, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes

Concept of Com | Good Communication
Infinite Combinations, Multiple Interpretations, Innumerable Outcomes
Communication is a process. This process, at any given point in time, has one interaction point populated by two (or more) people. I’m talking at a microscopically individual level, but when you consider everyone, at larger scales, communication is everywhere. We’re all communicating…
Communication and Change
August 25, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communication and Change

Concept of Com | Ontology
Communication and Change
Among other things (information, meaning), communication is about change — movement from state to state. Old form to new. Change is always happening but we don’t often feel it due to incrementality. It happens just a little bit at a time. Change also quite often feels like stasis, which…
Communication Paradoxes
August 4, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communication Paradoxes

Concept of Com | Good Communication | Ontology
Communication Paradoxes
Communication is full of paradoxes. Two opposites, somehow connected to form a larger whole. Paradoxes, you know. “You gotta be cruel to be kind” as Nick Lowe teaches us, or the Ship of Theseus, or the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Paradoxes, two things that despite their apparent oppositeness…
Conversation & Communication
July 28, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Conversation & Communication

Concept of Com | Process | Relationships
Conversation & Communication
Every conversation is communication. It’s also beneficial to think of communication as a conversation. Why? Because relationships, which grow from communication, are really just collections of conversations. Conversation and its importance to communication is an idea needs to be grasped in at…
What Do You Mean?
July 14, 2020  |  David R. Novak

"What do you mean?": The Innerworkings of Intentionality

Concept of Com | Ontology
What Do You Mean?
People put a great deal of belief into “intent” when it comes to messages and communication. We like to think that our intended meaning matters. It’s comforting, right? But what if there is no there, there? What if our intended meaning doesn’t actually matter much at all? How…
You Don't Have A Communication Style
June 2, 2020  |  David R. Novak

You Don't Have A Communication Style

Concept of Com
You Don't Have A Communication Style
Lots of people believe in “communication styles." You shouldn’t. Do humans have tendencies and sensitivities when communicating? Yes, definitely. We each have our own. But does that mean you have a communication “style”? Nope. Having a communication style is to have something…
On Communicating
May 26, 2020  |  David R. Novak

On Communicating "Effectively"

Concept of Com
On Communicating
Effective communication. Everyone talks about and seems to be after it. But what is it? What is effective communication? What does it mean to communicate effectively? Do we really know? Ask 100 people what “effective communication” is, and you'll get many different answers. It’s…
On Communication and Transparency
May 5, 2020  |  David R. Novak

On Communication and Transparency

Concept of Com | Clarity | Process
On Communication and Transparency
Transparency is a god-term. People want it. Calls for it are everywhere. “I’m aiming to be transparent here,” you might hear in everyday conversation. Transparency is supposedly one of the great communication achievements. Or so we tell ourselves. People widely accept the idea that…
Sharing and Its Relevance to Communication
April 28, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Sharing and Its Relevance to Communication

Relationships | Concept of Com
Sharing and Its Relevance to Communication
Sharing is heavily related to communication. If we think about communicating as what we say and how we interact, sharing factors into the depth of communication. What we share when we communicate  — the topics we cover, what we’re willing to talk about, etc. — is the literal relational,…
On Communication and Openness
April 21, 2020  |  David R. Novak

On Communication and Openness

Relationships | Concept of Com
On Communication and Openness
Everyone talks about how “openness” is important in communication, but what is openness? What does it mean “to be open” when we communicate with others? We have to think of openness in at least two ways: Openness means how much you share or are willing to share when you talk: What…
Communication Does Not Fail, Part 2
March 10, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communication Does Not Fail, Part 2

Concept of Com | Failure
Communication Does Not Fail, Part 2
…continued from Part 1.   Stopping Communication or Total Disagreement We frequently talk about “communication breakdown.” Led Zeppelin wrote a song about it. It’s not “always the same” as Robert Plant might have you believe (but that’s still a great song).…
Communication Does Not Fail, Part 1
March 3, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communication Does Not Fail, Part 1

Concept of Com | Failure
Communication Does Not Fail, Part 1
Communication doesn’t always succeed. But it never fails. We talk about communication failing all the time. However, we need to recognize that an unanticipated outcome is not the same as “failure.” Communication isn’t an on/off switch. We’re not “communicating”…
There Is No S In Communication
February 25, 2020  |  David R. Novak

There Is No S In Communication

Communication | Concept of Com
There Is No S In Communication
It used to bother me when students of mine would say they studied “communications” when they were studying communication. That term — “communications” — invoked feelings similar to that of nails scratching on the chalkboard. After escaping academia, I still hear and…
Communicating Is Your Relationship
February 18, 2020  |  David R. Novak

Communicating Is Your Relationship

Relationships | Concept of Com | Ontology
Communicating Is Your Relationship
To anyone who works with code, “==” means “equivalent to.” When coding, programmers can use “==” to make one thing the same as another. communication == relationships Communication and relationships are essentially the same thing. How you communicate with someone…
The False God of Clear Communication
February 11, 2020  |  David R. Novak

The False God of Clear Communication

Clarity | Concept of Com
The False God of Clear Communication
People are obsessed with the idea of clear communication. We are told that if you can’t communicate clearly, you’ve failed. People’s obsession with communication clarity can be downright pathological. Maybe you have heard your boss or colleague or spouse say: “I couldn’t…